9 Food Items that are Stabbing Your Weight Loss Goals

All of us, at some point, have wanted to lose weight and have cut down junk food or started skipping meals or dieting. And tell me if I am wrong, we still have failed to lose a few kilograms. Have you ever wondered why even such extreme measures like skipping meals could not get us our desired results? Because we leave out certain foods out of the category ’unhealthy’ whereas they clearly belong to that bracket. So here, Diet Xperts have made a chart of all the food items that may have been keeping you from losing weight.


1. Sugary drinks

While you may think that a little soda never hurts anyone, it does hurt you in many ways. Sweet foods are high in fructose and have the potential to cause weight gain, diabetes and even heart diseases. However, liquid sugar is even more harmful as our body, at first, is unable to process how much sugar is included in it and ends up intaking more than required. So if you really want to lose weight, cut low on sugary drinks and soda.

2. Fried or baked potatoes

Well potatoes themself are a weight gainer due to the starchy carbohydrates, but fried and baked potatoes do much worse. But if you are really a fan of potatoes, either opt for boiled potatoes or just picturise eating them.

3. Candies

Candies, not only kids, but also adults love them. And even during our weight loss sessions, we self-treat with the same. Unhealthy Alert! Candies are actually sugar confectionery which have sugar as the main ingredient and lots and lots of it. Thus, it is as harmful as a bottle of coke, and so called diet coke too.

4. White wheat bread

Yeah you read it right! White bread and that too, wheat bread! The one you include in your breakfast and maybe snacks, is not so healthy. It may cause obesity and weight gain. Also spoiler! It can gradually produce some negative feelings developing symptoms of depression. Now that’s a big risk! Replace white bread with brown bread or cauliflower bread for better health (and obviously lower risk of depression!)

5. Processed Fruit Juices

Did you drink fruit juice today? Well you shouldn’t have if you are trying to lose a few pounds. Most of us rarely have the time to consume fresh fruit juice and rather end up taking processed and packed fruit juice. They are not at all beneficial due to the processing of the product.

6. Beer

Beer has high calories and can cause alcoholic fatty liver. Also, alcohol slows down the fat breakdown in the body as our system prioritizes breakdown of alcohol over anything, including fat. Trying to lose weight? DO NOT EVEN TOUCH BEER.

7. Cake

In order to gain something, you must sacrifice something. Cake contains high sugar, wheat flour, cream, eggs, and milk all in their most unhealthy forms which will further add to your weight. Be it cakes, pastries or cookies, they are all the same for health even if they taste different.

8. Granola Bars

Granola bars are good for quick energy and a great snack because of the extremely high calories. Average granola bars are processed and are high in sugar content too. Think again, granola bars or weight loss?

9. Processed Meat

It is no secret that meat itself leads to weight gain, processed meat does that much faster. Ultra processed food items contain some compounds that are harmful to health which turns the needle to the right in the weighing machine, and also leads to chronic diseases. Picking out fresh meat is more beneficial than the processed ones.

Have you been eating these in your Diet Plan for weight Loss? If yes, it is high time to say goodbye to them and rather opt for their healthier alternatives.

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