The very thought of a scorching summer is a turn off for most of us especially after a way comfortable setting of winter. Profuse sweating, sultry climate and those visits to markets and work drain most of us out and in worst cases plays havoc with wellness and health too. However, knowing that we don’t have power over the weather, the variable of our diet is something that we can alter to benefit our body and mind, regardless of what the mercury reads. What is even more promising is the impact good health and diet has on our mood and emotional wellbeing as well. Let’s take a look at few commonly talked about areas of concern below.
What is the misconception about drop in appetite in hot weather and how should it be dealt with?
It is commonly observed that we tend to lose apatite due to scorching temperatures and fatigue and hence enter into an unintentional fasting mode that is a clear cause of deficiency of nutrients in the body. It is important to understand that despite of change in temperature; one should not stop eating or reduce portion sizes only because the mood demands it.
Do food items with greater water content help during summer?
Despite as cliché as it may sound, we often fail to understand the importance of staying hydrated during times water loss through sweating increasing manifold, such as in summer. Succulent food items like watermelon, cantaloupe, and cucumber can work like wonder foods to aid in replenishment of water lost from the body. A casual, healthy portion of fruit and salad otherwise also is a promising element in routine.
People often overdo with soft drinks and chilled drinks during summer days, what is the right thing to do? Also, is there any adverse effect of consuming ice cold drinks?
On a sweltering afternoon, it may appear to be convenient and tempting to walk in and pick up a bottle of aerated orange drink or pakced juice over the counter but it is undoubtedly not a healthy choice considering higher concentrations of sugar and preservatives. It is wise to stick to drinks such as Thandai, AamPanna, Lassi (Buttermilk), Lemonade owing to natural ingredients and supplementary health benefits such vitamin C, salt and natural sugar.
Speaking of cold drinks, the temperature of the drink is also a crucial thing to take into consideration because very cold or iced fluids can cause constriction of blood vessels which decreases blood flow and inhibits heat loss. Also a commonly witnessed principle known as brain freeze, causing excruciating pain in head can arise due to consuming iced or extremely cold drinks. Replace iced drinks with cooler options.
In this part of the world, there is a strong affinity towards brewed tea and coffee at multiple times in a day, what are its implications during summer?
Especially in Indian setting, we are accustomed to consuming multiple servings of tea and coffee. It is either because of a habit or due to social obligation. A wise person will dodge as much caffeine as he can during hotter spells of weather because intake of tea and coffee aggravates the effect of dehydration and cause long term loss to one’s wellbeing.
What should be one’s approach towards fried foods?
It is very important to ensure that one eliminate fried and fatty foods as much as possible during summer heat. Fresh fruit, salads and moderately spiced and sautéed portions should be preferred over the fried and fatty counterparts. Also, exercise extreme caution while consuming stored foods as the shelf life of cooked food plummets drastically during summers as and when compared with that in winter. It is therefore preferable to stick to freshly prepared portions and to avoid storing large quantities for using later on.
What to do if one experiences or is prone to facing a heat stroke?
Heat strokes are common during peak afternoon hours when the temperature is usually high accompanied with hot winds. The key remedies are to stay indoors or in shade away from sun, and avoid much strenuous activities that lead to dehydration or muscle fatigue. In routine one should take generous amounts of water, healthy fluids and non-fat milk in addition to fresh vegetables to supply nutrients to the body and boost immunity as well.
What does an ideal diet plan looks like for beating the summer heat?
Though it is to be understood that each body type and individual needs a customized and tailored diet plan to get effective results, a general idea of summer diet is summarized below.
The day should ideally start with at least 2 glasses of water while one is empty stomach. To make it appetizing one can add a dash of lemon or mint leaves to the water. This hydrates the body after a long spell of overnight fasting and supplies freshness as well.
Tea lovers can have a serving of green or herbal tea, preferably with honey and a Marie biscuit along with the tea.
Breakfast should be light and hearty. For instance a serving of milk and cereal or Dalia or Poha loaded with fresh vegetables. This is to be made sure that one doesn’t add much oil or ghee because that defeats the idea of a hearty and healthy breakfast, especially during summer.
In between for a healthy snacking option, one can use a serving of fresh fruit such as apple along with a glass of coconut water or lemonade to ensure hydration.
Lunch should comprise 2-3 Roti or portion of rice with vegetable, dal, salad and curd. Again, to avoid post lunch drowsiness and overall negatives, avoid consumption of too much ghee or vegetable fat which is usually looked at as a taste enhancer in northern India.
At around 4 PM, a serving of buttermilk or lemonade can be taken instead of gorging on a packet of chips or packed juice.
One may replace evening old-school tea with a cup of green tea or herbal tea with unsweetened biscuits such as Marie biscuit.
Make sure to have a light dinner owing to the fact that usually after dinner the body doesn’t indulge in much physical activity hence reducing the rate of metabolism hence adding to chance of unhealthy weight gain. 1-2 Roti along with Vegetable or Daal is preferred at night time.
Before hitting the sack, it is essential that one drinks water for preparing the body for a long overnight spell of inactivity and to wake up fresh and ready to take on the world!
Also, don’t forget the power of drinking 12-15 glasses of water in a day, because Drinking Enough Water is a Party in the Body!
Top of everything what else shall ensure healthy body and mind during summer?
Stay Happy, Eat Well, and Don’t Forget to Appreciate your Body and Your Soul!
Happy summers!