Privacy Policy
The Diet Xperts recognizes its obligations to adhere to the highest standards of integrity for its online visitors. We are apprehensive about your safety and try deliberately to keep all the provided information safe with us. We have developed certain privacy practices to uphold these standards.

Collection of Information:
The way you interact with us helps us to know you better. We do collect personally identifiable information through our website, and you have the option of choosing whether to reveal it to us or not. However, if you don’t provide some required information, some portions of our website may not work correctly for you. You may need to provide some personal or medical information such as your name, address, weight, height, contact number, credit or debit card details and email address. We may request this information through online forms such as “Sign Up” or “Contact” form. We only collect your data related to providing our clients with our service and use that information to update or help deliver these services better. The Diet Xperts understands your concern about your personal information. Thus, all information is kept confidential.
Use of information:
We don’t sell your email address, demographic information, or other information to the mass marketers. We use your information solely for our email communication regarding new updates and offers with our clients and to sell and deliver advertising. We also use your data to enhance your onsite experience by displaying information that may interest you.
Use of cookies:
We may store some pieces of information provided by you on your hard drive, and not on our site for future access, so we can know how you prefer to use our website and help you based on your defined preferences. We also store passwords so that you don’t need to re-enter continually. Storing cookies helps us to tailor our site and the marketing messages, to match your interests and needs better. You are always allowed to decline our cookies if our browser permits so.
Security of information:
The security of your information is on high priority for us, but remember that no method of transmission or electronic storage is 100% secure over the internet. All the information that we receive from our visitors is safe with us and we collect all the information through legal means, with your approval and knowledge. We also let you know the reason behind collecting that information and how those will be used. We use industry-standard attempts to protect the confidentiality of your given information, such as firewalls and secure socket layers (whichever is appropriate).
Third-Party Links:
Our website may contain links to external sites, operated by other owners. If you click on any of those links you may be directed to a third party website. Please note that if you provide any personal information by your own to other parties or links on the internet who provide services to us (even when our brand name brands those links or sites), we may use different rules to the disclosure of the personal information that you disclose to them. We advise you to go through the privacy policy of every site you visit and ask questions and investigate before revealing any personal information about you. We have no control or responsibility for the contenet, services or practices of those third part websites.
Google Ads and Re-marketing:
We use Google AdWords remarketing to advertise ourselves and our services across the internet. AdWords remarketing may display tailored and relevant ads to you based on which part of our website you visit by placing cookies on your computer.
Changes in Privacy Policy:
We reserve all the rights to change and modify our privacy policy from time to time. Your use of our website following those changes establishes your agreement to follow by the terms as changed.
Contact Information:
If you have any queries regarding this privacy policy, please contact us.
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